• (2-Day De-Escalation Training) When the Public Attacks: Techniques for Customer Service Personnel

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    Name: (2-Day De-Escalation Training) When the Public Attacks: Techniques for Customer Service Personnel
    Date: March 4, 2025 - March 5, 2025
    Event Description:
    Join our 2-Day in person highly interactive workshop designed for employees dealing with the public. Both large and small group participation are encouraged, providing ample opportunities to practice applied skills within a supportive and safe setting. Learn conflict dynamics, de-escalation techniques, and communication skills. Reframe negatives into positives and close discussions efficiently. LEARN MORE: https://www.centerforresolution.org/training#WhenThePublicAttacks
    Center for Dialog & Resolution, 717 Tacoma Ave. S. Tacoma, WA 98402
    Date/Time Information:
    March 4 & 5 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST
    Contact Information:
    Cost $499 per person $449 per person for three or more attendees from the same organization $399 per person for five or more attendees from the same organization
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.