• Partners-in-Learning.jpg
      Partners in Learning
    • legislative-sendoff-2018.jpg
      Legislative Sendoff
    • Santas-Castle.jpg
      Santa's Castle Luncheon
    • Driving-range.jpg
      Summer Swing
  • Marketing Opportunities

  • Chamber members are not only listed on our website, in our membership directory, and featured in our social media, but they are also announced in our newsletter and are able to purchase advertisements in our yearly Profile magazine and promote their events on our calendar. Committing to sponsoring more than $1,500 over the next year in December or January makes you a Corporate Partner, which gives you other benefits. To learn more about Corporate Partners, or to see this year's, check our Corporate Partners page.

  • Please contact Janet Steiner for more information on marketing opportunities and see our list of sponsorship opportunities below.

  • Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Sponsoring a Chamber event gives you and your business exposure to not only other Chamber members but the local community. Throughout the year there are many different events you can be a part of many great events and programs! Click here to view more info about sponsorship.

  • Legislative Sendoff – January 

    Each year the Chamber holds a legislative reception in support of our local 26th District Representatives. This is an opportunity for community members to meet and mingle with our local representatives and discuss Gig Harbor’s needs for the coming year.

  • Annual Trip to Olympia – February

    The Chamber takes a trip to Olympia with up to 25 members to meet with top state representatives from both parties as well as the Association of Washington Business staff to voice the concerns and needs of our local businesses.

  • Annual Awards Dinner

    Each year the Chamber takes a moment to reflect upon the past year and celebrate those who have helped make the Gig Harbor Area a better place to live, work and play. We honor individuals who have helped the business community flourish; and individuals, professionals and nonprofit organizations that, through service and volunteer efforts, have enhanced the vitality and spirit of our community.

  • Maritime Gig – First Full Weekend in June

    The annual Maritime Gig Festival is the largest event held in the Gig Harbor Peninsula Area each year. It takes place the first weekend in June to kick-off the summer and recognize the heritage of our fishing fleet with the Blessing of the Fleet. The festival brings about 20,000 people into downtown Gig Harbor over the weekend, showcasing Gig Harbor, Corporate Partners, and local businesses to both visitors and community members. Sponsorships range from $250-$10,000.

  • Partners in Learning – August

    This annual event helps to provide support for our students to learn basic business and life skills necessary for becoming productive successful citizens through the Junior Achievement Program. Our goal this year is to raise $10,000. These funds will assist with transportation and registration costs for students to attend Biz Town in Auburn, WA. This event is available to the first 30 local businesses who register.

  • Monthly Luncheon – First Thursday of Every Month

    Educational monthly membership luncheons feature keynote speakers that cover business topics to help improve business functions. Typically, around 40 to 60 members and/or guests attend this monthly event.

  • Chamber Night Out - Second Tuesday of Every Month

    Chamber Night Out 2025 (formally Business After Hours) is an amazing opportunity to connect with other business owners as well as enjoy a night of fun! These events will offer networking, refreshments, and snacks at various host locations and will each offer an engaging activity. See the Chamber events calendar to register for these upcoming events or visit our Chamber Night Out tab on our website. 

    Tickets for these events are $10 for Chamber members and $20 for non-members. Purchase your ticket on the Chamber's event calendar! 

    Check our Events calendar for a schedule of upcoming Chamber Nights.

  • Public Affairs Forum – Every Thursday

    The Public Affairs Forum takes place every Thursday morning. It connects the Gig Harbor community with timely information and topics that affect not only our community, but our state. On average 50 individuals attend this morning event. Sponsorships are offered on a quarterly, six month, or annual basis. 

  • Young Professionals

    The Gig Harbor Young Professionals group meets for lunch on the third Wednesday of each month at various locations around Gig Harbor. These events help enrich professional and personal lives through networking and educational opportunities. Sponsorship opportunities include:

    • $2,500 Annual Sponsor
    • $1,500 Six Months Sponsor
    • $300 Monthly Sponsor
  • Please contact Janet Steiner for more information on Chamber sponsorship opportunities.

    • Maritime-Gig-Festival-Crowd.jpg
      Maritime Gig Festival
    • legislative-sendoff-2018.jpg
      Legislative Send Off
  • Contact the Chamber for more information on marketing opportunities and sponsoring events.


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