• Lighted Boat Parade sponsored by Gig Harbor Yacht Club

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    Name: Lighted Boat Parade sponsored by Gig Harbor Yacht Club
    Date: December 9, 2023
    Time: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM PST
    Event Description:
    The Gig Harbor Lighted Boat Parade, sponsored by the Gig Harbor Yacht Club, is on December 9th 2023 at 5pm. This is a great opportunity to decorate your boat and light up the harbor for the enjoyment of the on-lookers ashore and your fellow mariners. Most important, it’s a load of fun to be on the dark water, sparkling with lights – a real thrill.  
    The parade route will start at Arabella's Marina and make two loops around the harbor. 
    The parade will turn in front of 7 Seas Brewing and Anthony's Restaurant.  .
    Date/Time Information:
    December 9, 2023   5:00 PM
    Contact Information:
    Robert Philpott Lighted Board Parade Chair
    No fees.  Go to the GigHarboryc.com website if you are interested in participating in the parade with your boat. 
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