• (Online Training) Tough Conversations: Supervisory and Management Skills

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    Name: (Online Training) Tough Conversations: Supervisory and Management Skills
    Date: November 10, 2025 - November 20, 2025
    Event Description:
    Research shows that 30-40% of supervisors and managers’ daily activities are devoted to dealing with conflicts in the workplace. Diffusing conflict promptly and effectively creates an environment where employees can thrive. Having the confidence to initiate difficult conversations is instrumental to be a strong leader. Our Tough Conversations training will help you get there. LEARN MORE:
    Date/Time Information:
    November 10, 13, 17, and 20 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    Contact Information:
    Cost $499 per person $449 per person for three or more attendees from the same organization
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.