• Pierce Conservation District Public Board Meeting

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    Name: Pierce Conservation District Public Board Meeting
    Date: October 11, 2023
    Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    Pierce Conservation District board meetings are open to the public and we invite you to attend! We will discuss work accomplished and future goals. The meeting is both virtual and in-person.

    What is a Conservation District? Across the United States, nearly 3,000 Conservation Districts—almost one in every county—are helping local people to conserve land, water, forests, wildlife and related natural resources. Conservation Districts are non-regulatory. We're here to help you implement best practices for conserving local natural resources, not to fine you for not using best practices. Among other things, conservation districts help:
    • Implement farm, ranch and forestland conservation practices to protect soil productivity, water quality and quantity, air quality, and wildlife habitat
    • Conserve and restore wetlands, which purify water and provide habitat for birds, fish and numerous other wildlife
    • Protect groundwater resources
    • Assist communities and homeowners to plant trees and other land cover to hold soil in place, clean the air, provide cover for wildlife and beautify neighborhoods
    • Help developers control soil erosion and protect water and air quality during construction
    • Reach out to communities and schools to teach the value of natural resources and encourage conservation efforts.
    The Annual Pierce Native Plant Sale (Pre-orders open November 1, 2023. Walk-up Sale is March 15 & 16, 2024) & Urban Tree Sale. Waterfront landowners: Shore Friendly Pierce assists qualifying marine shoreline landowners with a free site visit to assess conditions and receive customized recommendations for managing risk and/or improving habitat.

    Get Involved: - Become a volunteer - Apply to become an intern - Become a board member - Vote in district elections - Attend a public board meeting www.piercecd.org
    The Boathouse at Eddon Boat Park (next to Gig Harbor Boatshop)
    3805 Harborview Drive Gig Harbor, WA 98332
    Date/Time Information:
    October, 11, 2023.
    Contact Information:
    Phone: 253-845-9770 Toll Free Phone: 866-845-9485
    Free and open to the public
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