• Rebuilding Hope's Spring Soiree

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    Name: Rebuilding Hope's Spring Soiree
    Date: April 28, 2023
    Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, join Rebuilding Hope for their second annual Spring Soiree on Friday, April 28 at the Silver Cloud Hotel Tacoma at Point Ruston Waterfront!

    This year's festivities will include a live auction, fabulous raffle baskets, signature cocktail and opportunities to learn about our work directly from agency providers and leaders. This is a cocktail hour-style event. All tickets include hotel valet parking, hors d'oeuvres, sponsored wine and beer bar and opportunities to meet staff and learn about agency programs.

    VIP tickets include complimentary champagne spirits (or mocktails), exclusive access to the Waterview Terrace (weather dependent) and early access to raffle and live auction previews. VIP check-in begins at 4pm.

    General Admission check-in begins at 5pm.

    Funds raised at this year’s Soiree will support existing and expanding services and programs - including 24/7 victim/survivor advocacy and crisis intervention, sliding-scale therapy, wrap-around case management, prevention education and community outreach. With your help, we hope to reach our goal of $75,000! Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Need more info?

    Contact us at Developement@hopesacpc.org.
    Silver Cloud Hotel Tacoma Point Ruston Waterfront
    5125 Grand Loop
    Ruston, WA 98407
    Date/Time Information:
    Friday, April 28 VIP only 4-5pm General Admission 5-7pm
    Contact Information:
    Becca Pilcher, Development Manager Rebuilding Hope Sexual Assault Center for Pierce County
    $125 - General Admission $150 - VIP
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