• Olympic Pharmacy Healthcare Services

    • Healthcare
    4700 PT Fosdick Drive
    Ste 120
    Gig Harbor, WA 98335
    (253) 858-9941
    (253) 858-1620 (fax)
    • About

      Locally owned since 1961.

      For over 50 years, Olympic has been a community healthcare participant striving to provide the best possible service to their customers. Since opening the doors of the small, family owned pharmacy in 1960, Olympic has grown into a leading supplier of medical supplies and equipment to the Olympic Peninsula. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality products, exceptional customer service, and strive to be an active participant in our patient’s healthcare and well-being.

    • Whom to Contact

      • David Iverson
        Vice President of Finance
        4700 Pt Fosdick Drive
        Ste 120
        Gig Harbor, Washington 98335
        Phone: (253) 858-9941 ext 753